Following the tradition, Institute of Europe of Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities of Kaunas University of Technology organises International Scientific Conference “The Future of European Union International Roles: Political, Economic and Social Challenges” for the academic as well as public society and PhD students.
The Conference will be held on
18th of March, 2016 at the Institute of Europe of Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities of Kaunas University of Technology, Mickevičiaus str. 37, Kaunas, Lithuania
The aim of the conference is to invite members of academic as well as public society to present the newest scientific research results, to discuss about practical actualities regarding the future of EU’s international role’s on the political, economic and social aspects.
Papers are welcome IN the following areas:
Scientific Outcome of the Conference: selected articles will be published in scientific journal
After double blind review there will be suggested opportunity for papers publication:
Selected articles of high scientific quality will be considered for publication in the refereed journal European Integration Studies: Research and Topicalities. ISSN 1822-8402 which is abstracted and indexed by International Databases: EBSCO (Business Source Complete); EBSCO (Central & Eastern European Academic Source Database Coverage List); DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals); EconBib Index (Economics Bibliography); Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI, New Edition of Web of Science).
Scheme for the abstract preparation
Scheme for the article preparation
Registration and abstract submission |
10 February, 2016 |
Confirmation of the abstract acceptance |
17 February, 2016 |
Registration fee remittance |
17 – 29 February, 2016 (100 Euro) |
Final Papers submission |
1 April, 2016 (after the conference) |
Preliminary conference program |
1 March, 2016 |
Method of payment:
Conference registration fee (100 Euro) should be transfered:
Bank: AB SEB
Bank code: 70440
Bank address: Gedimino pr. 12, LT-01103 Vilnius
Account number: LT387044060003104481
Account owner: Kaunas University of Technology, Donelaicio str. 73, Kaunas, Lithuania
Owner’s code: 111950581
Subaccount: SF5150000
Please mention as well:
Transfer purpose: EU Conference Fee_Surname, K0018
The bank transfer cheque should be transferred by e.mail’s:;
March 18 d., 2016 08:00
KTU Faculty of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts, room 213, A. Mickevičiaus St. 37, Kaunas
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