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The conference MUNICIPAL INVOLVEMENT IN SUPPORTING VOLUNTEERISM will take place in Kaunas on April 1, 2016. The main target of the conference is to emphasize and to discuss how the expanding of volunteering initiatives could influence better services within municipalities.

The Municipal Training Centre at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities of the Kaunas University of Technology together with “Volunteering – Code of Active Citizenship” (V-Code) project partners and with respective experts in the field aim to bring the best practices of different countries. Distinguished panellists and workgroup moderators from partner and other EU countries will be in attendance to share their experiences and perspectives regarding the expanding of volunteering.

Panel speakers & Workgroup (WG) moderators/speakers: representatives of local authorities; community centres, voluntary organizations, non-governmental organizations, universities; representatives of ministries and other state institutions.

Participants: representatives of municipalities, NGOs, and universities from Lithuania, Latvia, Netherlands, Poland, Italy, United Kingdom, Sweden, USA.

Event format: panel session; workgroups & discussions; working language – English.

The conference will be also broadcasted on-line.

The conference is organised in the frames of the project “V-Code: Volunteering – Code of Active Citizenship” funded by the Europe for Citizens programme. The partnership is formed by NGO and Universities from 6 EU countries: Lithuania, Latvia, Netherlands, Poland, Italy, and United Kingdom. The main target of the “V-Code” project is to raise awareness of volunteering. The conference is the final event of the project.

The conference MUNICIPAL INVOLVEMENT IN SUPPORTING VOLUNTEERISM is organised with the support of the Europe for Citizens programme of the European Union and the Baltic-American Freedom Foundation (BAFF).

For more information, please, contact by e-mail


April 1 d., 2016 06:00 - 14:00

KTU aula (A. Mickevičiaus g. 37)

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