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KTU Graduation Ceremony

January 24, Friday, Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) Graduation Ceremony of the 97th Graduating Class (BA, MA, PhD) will take place at the KTU Santaka Valley (K. Baršausko str. 59, Kaunas).

🎓  From 14 am diplomas will be issued to BA and MA graduates from the following faculties: Chemical Technology, School of Economics and Business, Mechanical Engineering and Design, Civil Engineering and Architecture, Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities. Also, to all PhD graduates from the University. The Ceremony will be broadcasted live on KTU Facebook page. Also, on

🎓  January 24, Friday, from 14 am KTU Panevėžys Faculty of Technologies and Business (Nemuno str. 33 – 228) will host the 5th Construction Management and the 19th MA graduates of Management Graduation Ceremony of this Faculty.

January 24 d. 14:00

KTU „Santaka Valley (K. Baršausko str. 59, Kaunas)

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