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Meeting with Disinformation Disclosure Specialists from Canada


We invite the entire KTU academic community to a meeting with the disinformation professionals: Samantha Bradshaw, PhD student at Oxford Internet Institute, and Alexandra Pavliuc, data science researcher and educator, representing Ryerson FCAD in London, UK to share their experience on countering disinformation and advocacy.

The event will take place on March 12th. 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. KTU Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities (A. Mickevičiaus str. 37), room 213.

Event Agenda:

  1. The event will be opened by dr. Ainius Lašas, Dean of KTU, Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities.
    Welcome speech: Richard Martin Nielsen, Charge d’affairs of  the Canadian Embassy.
  2. Samantha Bradshaw presentation: „Dissemination of coordinated disinformation campaigns through social media and its prevention“.
  3. Alexandra Pavliuc presentation:  „Structuring our understanding of disinformation operations through network analysis“.
  4. Q & A Session.

About the lecturers

Samantha Bradshaw is a D.Phil. candidate at the Oxford Internet Institute. She is also a Researcher on the Computational Propaganda Project at Oxford University, and a Senior Fellow at the Canadian International Council. Samantha’s work examines government use of social media for coordinated digital disinformation campaigns. Her research has been featured by numerous media outlets, including the Washington Post, Bloomberg, and the Financial Times. She holds an MA in global governance from the Balsillie School of International Affairs, and a joint honors BA in political science and legal studies from the University of Waterloo.

Alexandra Pavliuc is published researcher with diverse experience studying disinformation in academia and government. Skilled in quantitative and qualitative data analysis, network visualization, teaching, and knowledge translation. Passionate about data science education and studying disinformation through network analysis.

Published by NATO Defense Strategic Communications Journal (2019), recipient of the Mozilla Open Source Support Research Award (2019), and the City, University of London Data Science Institute Research Stipend (2019). Research published by CBC News (2018, 2019), Jane’s Intelligence Review (2019), and Engineering & Technology Magazine (2019). Interviewed on the New Influence Podcast (2020).

Currently freelancing as a data science researcher and educator, and representing Ryerson FCAD in London, UK.

March 12 d., 2020 11:00 - 12:30

KTU, Socialinių, humanitarinių mokslų ir menų fakultete, 113 aud.

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