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Seminar Series

The first study day on veganism and vegetarianism in the academic history of Lithuania. Don’t miss it! 🙂

Discussion, experiences, philosophies (and sharing of recipes), in the company of:

  • JURGIS DIDŽIULIS (singer-songwriter)
  • EDGARAS LUBYS (aka AMBERLIFE, singer-songwriter),
  • ERICA JENNINGS (singer-songwriter),
  • BRIGITA KYMANTAITĖ (volunteer and manager at ‘Animal Rights Protection Lithuania’),
  • JURGA LAGO (jewellery artist),
  • DARIO MARTINELLI (director of the International Semiotics Institute),
  • GABRIELĖ VAITKEVIČIŪTĖ (volunteer at ‘Empty cages’),

December 7 d., 2015 08:00 - 15:00

Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities (A. Mickevičiaus str. 37)

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