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Embedding SOFt skills in sTem academic curricula for the transition to sustainable grEeN economy (SOFTEN)


Project no.: 2022-1-PL01- KA220-HED-000085725

Project description:

SOFTEN project aims to address the long-standing gaps of soft skills that are detected in graduates from STEM university faculties who enter the green industry. Even through research indicates that for a sustainable green transition such types of skills are essential, green companies report absences of soft skill from young workforce. SOFTEN aims to help European universities to integrate soft skills in STEM curricula, by helping educators and students learn about and exercise such skills.

Project funding:

EU Erasmus+ programme

Project results:

Upon completion, SOFTEN will have delivered the following concrete results:
1. Develop the “SOFTEN Framework” for embedding soft skills in STEM HEIs, after identifying existing gaps in STEM curricula and highlighting the soft skills which are actually needed by green industries.
2. Develop a “Green Mentors Training Academy”, including, among other a MOOC (as capacity building program) for STEM educational providers and train them in innovative pedagogies (e.g., Environmental Service-Learning) for cultivating soft skills.
3. Bridge green industries with STEM educational providers via a “Train the Trainer” Workshop (LTTA).
4. Deliver the “Soft Green Skills e-Platform” which will be addressed primarily to STEM educational providers in HEIs in Europe for lasting networking and knowledge exchange activities for promoting replication and diffusion of the project’s results.

Period of project implementation: 2022-11-01 - 2025-10-31

Project coordinator: Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences

Project partners: Kaunas University of Technology, Politecnico di Milano, Turku University of Applied Sciences LTD

Paulina Budrytė

2022 - 2025

Academic Centre of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities, Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities