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Implementation of the International Research Infrastructure Membership Plan (CESSDA ERIC)

Project no.: VS-19
Project website:

Project description:

CESSDA ERIC ( is European Research Infrastructure Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives, which offers extensive, integrated, and sustainable data services to the social sciences, uniting social science data archives across Europe. Its mission is to promote social science research results and support national and international research and cooperation. CESSDA ERIC fosters trust in social science research by ensuring high-quality data is preserved for future research. As trusted repositories, CESSDA Service Providers demonstrate their reliability to researchers and research funders alike. CESSDA ERIC supports ongoing learning and training for its Service Provider staff, the social science user community and partners. Learning, Training and Widening activities cover research data management, data discovery and reuse, digital preservation, data archiving, and CESSDA tools and services. Technology underpins CESSDA’s technical infrastructure, providing a stable and up-to-date foundation for its platforms and user-friendly tools and services, making it easy to deposit and access data.

Lithuanian Data Archive for Social Sciences and Humanities (LiDA) is a virtual digital infrastructure for social sciences and humanities (SSH) data and research resources acquisition, long-term preservation and dissemination. It is CESSDA ERIC Service Provider in Lithuania and provides access to more than 600 data and research resources. This project aims to provide necessary financial, human and technical resources for successful provision of SSH data and resource curation services required by the statutes of CESSDA ERIC.

Project funding:

Research Council of Lithuania (RCL), Membership in international research infrastructures

Project results:

The project activities are organized under four five packages:
WP1: Development of the LiDA data and resource curation infrastructure (milestone results: 150 datasets from the old infrastructure republished, 400 new datasets published, participation in DataCite and Global Dataverse Community Consortium, certification with CoreTrustSeal)
WP2: LiDA’s participation in CESSDA ERIC activities (milestone results: providing and updating the Lithuanian versions for the CESSDA ERIC controlled vocabularies, developing the Lithuanian module of the CESSDA ERIC quantitative survey question bank)
WP3: Training and capacity building of data providers and users (milestone results: 20 trainings for data providers and users organized, 5 e-learning tools produced, 5 textbooks published, 5 dataset depositor awards presented)
WP4: Publicity of activities and dissemination of results (milestone results: 20 data discovery seminars organized, 5 brief data analysis reports produced, 5 science popularization articles published)
WP5: Monitoring the use of LiDA resources

Period of project implementation: 2024-12-15 - 2029-12-31

Project coordinator: Kaunas University of Technology

Audronė Telešienė

2024 - 2029

Centre of Data Analysis and Archiving, Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities