Policy Agenda of the Lithuanian Seimas and its Framing: The Analysis of the Seimas Debates in 1990-2020 (PolAFra)


Project no.: P-MIP-20-373
Project website: https://zenodo.org/communities/polafra

Project description:

The project will examine systematically (employing the internationally developed instruments of policy agenda research) dynamics of Lithuanian public policy agenda and its determinants by analyzing the political agenda of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania in the long-term (30-year) perspective. It will also aim to identify an explanatory model of the dynamics of the Lithuanian political agenda, that is to determine which theoretical models best explain the evolution of the political agenda of Lithuania as a post-Soviet state. It will also study how different issues emerge on the political agenda of the Seimas, and how different political actors frame them.
The aim of the project is to investigate the dynamics of policy agenda of the Lithuanian Seimas and its determinants in the period of 1990-2020 and to examine framing as well as origins and agents of policy agenda of the Seimas.
Objectives of the project: a) to investigate the dynamics of the political agenda of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania in 1990-2020 using the internationally developed instruments of policy agenda research; b) to analyze the factors of the dynamics of the Lithuanian political agenda and to determine which theoretical models best explain the evolution of the political agenda of Lithuania as a post-Soviet state; c) to distinguish the main practices of political agenda framing in the Parliament and to carry out a study on the framing of the Seimas policy agenda in 1990-2020; d) using case study analysis, to examine the origin, content and agents of the selected most important framing practices of the Seimas policy agenda.

Project funding:

Projects funded by the Research Council of Lithuania (RCL), Projects carried out by researchers’ teams

Project results:

Main results of the project include preparation of 4 scientific publications, publication of 2 scientific popularization articles and organizing two national dissemination seminars of the project results. The planned results also include creation of data sets of the dynamics and framing practices of Lithuanian Parliament’s policy agenda from 1990 to 2020. The results of the project will be presented at three international conferences.

Period of project implementation: 2020-05-01 - 2022-09-30

Project coordinator: Kaunas University of Technology

Project partners: Vytautas Magnus University

Vaidas Morkevičius

2020 - 2022

Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities, Institute of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts