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Social Solutions to the Climate Crisis: Behavioral Profiles and Targeted Communication (KLIM-KOM)


Project no.: S-MIP-22-26

Project description:

The overarching goal of the KLIM-KOM project is to promote the transition to an environmentally friendly and climate-neutral way of life in Lithuania. We take the Verstehen sociological approach and we
incorporate the transformative social research practices. We aim to create not only knowledge but also effective solutions based on social research. In this project, we will test the
potential of targeted communication solutions.
The aim of the project is to create and test targeted communication tools that can effectively change the climate change attitudes and behavior of the Lithuanian population on the
basis of environmental behavior profiling and audience segmentation.
The project is based on mixed research methods applied in sequential order. A representative survey of the Lithuanian population is being conducted (includes both the researcher developed
and the international ISSP-Environment questionnaires). Based on survey data, climate change behavior profiles (population groups with similar habits) are identified and
audience segmentation analysis is performed. Behavioral profiles and audience segments are used to inform qualitative research and form research groups. Targeted climate change
communication solutions are developed in co-creation sessions and then tested through focused group discussions. The results of the project are not only scientific, i. y. publications
and data sets, but also practical, i. y. climate change communication material, which provides examples of typical messages, visualizations, message plan, most influential
communication channels, communication frequency, etc. for each audience segment.
The project also has added value. Following the implementation of the survey, Lithuania’s membership in the International Social Survey Programme (ISSP, would be
continued, data would become available for international research, and the visibility of the Lithuanian case in environmental sociology and environmental communication would be

Project funding:

Projects funded by the Research Council of Lithuania (RCL), Projects carried out by researchers’ teams

Project results:

Based on the results of KLIM-KOM research, a short topline results publication of the survey results will be published, 4 scientific articles will be prepared or published in high-level journals, papers will be presented at 4 scientific conferences, 6 popular science articles will be published, two electronic research datasets will be published, and climate change communication sample material with recommendations for Lithuania will be prepared and published.

Period of project implementation: 2022-07-01 - 2025-03-31

Project coordinator: Kaunas University of Technology

Audronė Telešienė

2022 - 2025

Academic Centre of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities, Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities